AI Implementation: What Does It Take to Adopt Artificial Intelligence in Business?

Consequently, organizations can target their marketing better (Afiouni, 2019), and it opens for the possibility of delivering one-to-one marketing by personalizing the experience (Mishra & Pani, 2020). Thus, AI enhances the marketing effectiveness and accuracy by targeting the right customers with the right marketing strategy. Also, as customer behavior changes, segmentation suggestions from the AI system are regenerated so that organizations can effectively adapt their marketing strategy (Afiouni, 2019). Over the last few years, AI has been gradually embedded in key organizational activities, prompting business growth is various sectors (Eriksson et al., 2020). Organizations that have implemented AI solutions have realized financial and accounting performance gains, such as increased revenue and cost reduction (Alsheiabni et al., 2018; Davenport & Ronanki, 2018). In a recent empirical study, Mikalef and Gupta (2021a) find that companies that have developed a structured approach to AI adoption and use, and developed an organizational capability around the novel technologies have realized performance gains.

  • Every business unit [BU] leader thinks that their BU should get the most resources and will deliver the most value, or at least they feel they should advocate for their business.
  • For example, large-scale ERP systems like SAP or Oracle provided a useful IT backbone to exchange data, yet also created very rigid processes that were hard to change past the IT implementation.
  • However, that should not deter companies from deploying AI models in an incremental manner.
  • Yuval Atsmon is a senior partner who leads the new McKinsey Center for Strategy Innovation, which studies ways new technologies can augment the timeless principles of strategy.
  • Businesses also leverage AI for product recommendations (33%), accounting (30%), supply chain operations (30%), recruitment and talent sourcing (26%) and audience segmentation (24%).
  • On the contrary, agile organizational structures are more flexible and can respond quickly to change, thus supporting innovation.
  • And that’s just a small sample of the millions of ways AI has intersected how businesses use tech to solve problems for their target market with software apps.

If data is required to be collected or purchased from external sources, proper data management function is needed to ensure data is procured legally and that compliance standards are met in data storage, including GDPR-type of compliance management. A mature error analysis process should enable data scientists to systemically analyze a large number of “unseen” errors and develop an in-depth understanding of the types of errors, distribution of errors, and sources of errors in the model. A mature error analysis process should be able to validate and correct mislabeled data during testing. Compared with traditional methods such as confusion matrix, a mature process for an organization should provide deeper insights into when an AI
model fails, how it fails and why. Creating a user-defined taxonomy of errors and prioritizing them based not only on the severity of errors but also on the business value of fixing those errors is critical to maximizing time and resources spent in
improving AI models.

How to Scale AI in Your Organization

Her research focuses on artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, information system design and adoption of innovations in organizations. Her publications appear in journals such as Decision Support Systems, Annals of Operations Research and International Journal of Production Economics. All of the leaders in our research give frontline staff access to data, compared to 62% of the rest. The leaders also all acquire data from customers and suppliers, and 89% share their own data back. Leading companies are almost twice as likely as others to enable remote access to data and to store a significant fraction of their data in the cloud. In short, the democratization of data is a critical aspect to the effective use of analytics.

implementation of ai in business

It requires teams to address data strategy early in the development process for new MI applications; this ensures that all uses cases are built on robust, well-managed data. This democratization of data stands in stark contrast to many firms where information is power and zealously guarded. At its most basic level, process analysis often involves a mix of constraints and opportunities.

Will robotic process automation, or a cheaper, non-AI process deliver the same outcome?

One biopharma player, Amgen, found that visual inspection system operations posed great opportunities to automate and leverage AI technologies. Amgen is developing a fully validated visual inspection system using AI that will boost particle detection 70% and cut false rejects by 60%. In general, we found that companies that succeeded in the deployment of advanced digital technologies did an honest assessment of where they were in terms of the nine performance indicators. On that basis, they were able to form a vision of where they wanted to be in three or four years.

implementation of ai in business

Previously the domain of data scientists only, modern AI-based solutions are now mature enough to be offered “off the shelf,” greatly lowering the technical barriers to entry. Falling computing costs — driven by the wide availability of the cloud, the growth of low-cost bandwidth, and reduced cost of sensors — have drastically lowered the price of model-driven prediction. Technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA) help to structure the flow of work and automate information-intensive back-office processes. But combined with machine learning as “intelligent process automation,” it can deal with much a greater variation of tasks.

Think About Your End Goals

These go beyond aspects related to bias, and include dimensions such as transparency of AI applications, accountability, safety and security, societal and environmental well-being, design for universal access, and human agency and oversight. Building on such principles is also argued to help organizations balance between black-box and white-box AI applications, or in other words, finding the right equilibrium between accuracy and interpretability (Loyola-Gonzalez, 2019; Wanner et al., 2020). The notion of an AI capability has thus been introduced to explain how this value is achieved, and how organizations should be organized in order to realize value from AI investments. Shallow-structured learning architectures are the most traditional, where it learns from data described by pre-defined features (LeCun et al., 2015). In contrast, deep machine learning, usually referred to as deep learning, can derive structure from data in a multi-layered manner (Wang et al., 2019). Deep learning is based on creating deep neural networks with several hidden layers, where the layer closest to the data vectors learns simple features, while the higher layers learn higher-level features (Quinio et al., 2017).

implementation of ai in business

Because strategic decisions have significant consequences, a key consideration is to use AI transparently in the sense of understanding why it is making a certain prediction and what extrapolations it is making from which information. You can even use AI to track the evolution of the assumptions for that prediction. Now ai implementation process that we’ve covered why AI implementation is important for businesses and the general process of how it happens, let’s look at the benefits of doing so. Other enterprise-level organizations might go the opposite direction, hiring team members to complete the project or outsourcing a custom solution to a tech firm.

Top 5 Reasons to Implement AI in Business Processes

Moving from the broad definition of what AI encompasses, the next level of definitions attempts to capture the techniques used to realize the objectives set in the previous definitions. Our analysis of the extant literature points out to the fact that this can be achieved through several different ways, with the largest proportion of studies focusing on cases where machine learning, and deep learning were being used. This section provides an overview of how some of the main types of AI technologies are defined in the literature, highlighting some key aspects of them, and outlining some important differences in terms of their application areas. In this paper we attempt to address this gap by providing a synthesis of the current body of knowledge and developing an agenda that can help advance our knowledge. We therefore perform a systematic collection of the extant literature, and put forward a narrative review by summarizing the existing body of literature and providing a comprehensive report which guides future studies (Templier & Paré, 2015). The objective of this paper is to identify in which ways organizations can deploy AI, and what value-generating mechanisms AI can enable.

implementation of ai in business

These AI systems need a large amount of high-quality data to function effectively. In healthcare, this data often comes from medical images, patient records and other sources. Ensuring the quality and consistency of this data can be a significant challenge. AI-augmented, on the other hand, would take the capabilities of AI one step further. Rather than merely playing a supportive role, an augmented approach aims to enhance employees’ capabilities. AI algorithms can analyze millions of medical images to detect anomalies, but the final diagnosis is still made by a human doctor, thereby « augmenting » their capabilities.

4 Theme 4. Competitive Value of AI

This is an inductive approach in which decision rules are identified based on the collected data using statistical methods (Schmidt et al., 2020). The first of these defines AI as a tool that solves a specific task that could be impossible or very time-consuming for a human to complete (Demlehner & Laumer, 2020; Makarius et al., 2020). The second group of definitions regards AI as a system that mimics human intelligence and cognitive processes, such as, interpreting, making inferences, and learning (Mikalef & Gupta, 2021).

Understanding the timeline for implementation, potential bottlenecks, and threats to execution are vital in any cost/benefit analysis. Most AI practitioners will say that it takes anywhere from 3-36 months to roll out AI models with full scalability support. Data acquisition, preparation and ensuring proper representation, and ground truth preparation for training and testing takes the most amount of time. The next aspect that takes the most amount of time in building scalable and consumable AI models is the containerization, packaging and deployment of the AI model in production. AI models must be built upon representative data sets that have been properly labeled or annotated for the business case at hand.

How can I ensure biased data won’t skew results?

AI continuously proves to be an asset for businesses and has been revolutionizing the way they operate. It goes a long way in helping to cut operational costs, automate and simplify business processes, improve customer communications and secure customer data. The majority of business owners believe that ChatGPT will have a positive impact on their operations, with a staggering 97% identifying at least one aspect that will help their business.

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