You know the saying, a woman needs a partner like a fish needs a bicycle? That’s definitely true when it comes to an independent woman. So, if she’s dating you, you can be reassured that it’s because she wants to.
Is it worth dating an independent woman?
And because she’s independent, and likely has been for a while, she most likely knows what she can and can’t do. Sure, she’s going to humor conversations about her hobbies or engage in discussions about how her day has been going. But she’s not going to be content with just that.
How to Leverage Time to Make More Time
Their natural instinct is to revert to the patriarchy where men are strong and women are weak. They aren’t willing to put themselves out there and let their fears get the better of them. You draw on your strengths to pull you through, which is a huge credit to who you are as a person.
She follows Shakespeare’s advice
And studies show it’s better if you pursue some of your interests solo. So don’t be offended if she doesn’t ask you to tag along. Just because she’s not available 100% of the time doesn’t mean that she’s not interested. Maybe she’s just busy or in need of some alone time. The best thing you can do is to give her the time she needs. And if she feels that hers aren’t being met, she’ll likely end things.
After being single for years with no hope of meeting Mr. Right, she finally managed to get married to the love of her life. Now that she’s settled down and happier than she’s ever been in her life, she’s passionate about sharing all the wisdom she’s learned over the journey. Pearl is also an accredited astrologer and publishes Hack Spirit’s daily horoscope. Whilst you can still be great friends with an independent woman, you won’t fill as big of a space in her social life and this can mean you have to find a new way to be a partner. If you’re not confident in yourself then you probably won’t be confident in her love for you, and that might lead you to mistrust her. And suspicion or a lack of trust is something that can destroy any relationship, but especially one with an independent woman.
It might cause some tension here and there and take time to adjust to her way of life, but if you respect her for who she is, she will do the same. Don’t assume you know everything about the girl with thick skin and a I-can-do-it-all attitude. That independent woman is so much more than you think.
Don’t be intimidated by her success
Is it a skill you can learn or is it that’s just the way it is? Working with a therapist to better understand who you are and what you project is certainly a positive in the dating process. But you shouldn’t throw away what could be something special because your partner is fiercely independent. You should acknowledge this trait and help foster it by supporting her and letting her live her own life. It will strengthen your bond and make both of you appreciate each other more when you are together. If you are struggling to come to terms with how to make it work, here is a list of tips and things to know when dating an independent woman that can help your relationship flourish.
I just don’t see how hard it is for women in dating. They can just get hit on at any bar or club they go to and they can either say yes or no. Same thing with the dating apps – it’s just totally skewed towards women where they can have 9999+ likes waiting for them.
Show her that you’re interested in her as a person and not just someone to fill a role in your life. Loving an independent woman can be a rewarding experience, but it also comes with a set of challenges. It’s important to remember that she values her independence and freedom, so respecting her opinions and decisions and giving her space is key. It’s also important to communicate openly and honestly. When it comes to dating independent women, the answer to whether it’s worth it is subjective. Dating a strong independent woman can be a challenging thing for some men, especially those who prefer a traditional gender role dynamic.
When she is interested in somebody, she has absolutely no problem with approaching that man and asking him out or, at the very least, asking his name. Good women are usually very serious about their relationships. They want the relationship to progress, and they don’t want to waste time on a relationship that doesn’t go anywhere. So the key here is to have fun while also keeping your eyes on the big picture.
If you’re caught up in one of those relationships, you might be looking for some signs that you truly are a strong, independent woman. An independent woman knows that she doesn’t have to be crazily successful and wealthy to be considered independent and to feel independent. All she needs is to feel comfortable in her own skin, to know how to provide for herself, and to have passions and interests and projects that exist outside of her dating life. For this reason, independent women tend to have a lot of acquaintances but very few close friends. Because of their I-can-do-it-on-my-own attitude, sometimes they may not be approachable.