Cyclomatic Complexity an overview

This makes it difficult to understand the behavior of code and to test it when N grows beyond some small number. The more execution paths your code can take, the more things that must be tested, and the higher probability of error. CC is a concept that attempts to capture how complex your program is and how hard it is to test it in a single integer number. That brings all the other aspects of maintainability in, of course. A term that I see every now and then is « Cyclomatic Complexity ». Here on SO I saw some Questions about « how to calculate the CC of Language X » or « How do I do Y with the minimum amount of CC », but I’m not sure I really understand what it is.

  • As other answers note, these are also the more difficult regions of code to ensure coverage.
  • Thus, they might be hard to understand and to work with, making developers more reluctant to use such tools.
  • It is important in designing test cases because it reveals the different paths or scenarios a program can take .
  • By finding the code complexity the potential defect risk is also decreased which means the relative cost is reduced for finding the defects in source code.
  • But according to the formula from Figure 2 should be a complexity of 2.
  • We denote this reduced dataset as JM1-8850, which now had 1687 modules (19%) with one or more defects and 7163 modules (81%) with no defects.

This would most likely lead to developing erroneous or bug ridden software. More information about this can be found here and also on Wikipedia. The control-flow graph of the source code above; the red circle is the entry point of the function, and the blue circle is the exit point. The exit has been connected to the entry to make the graph strongly connected. •Project management is often unaware of the impact of software processes. For instance, they could have optimized the change approval process so that the schedule is met.

What is Cyclomatic Complexity?

Extracting the common bits of code to their own dedicated methods/functions. In a nutshell, you can use strategies that accomplish the same result without incurring high complexity. For instance, you could create a new function, maintaining the old one as it is and extracting the common parts into its own private function.

what is cyclomatic complexity

By the Cyclomatic complexity calculation, the program maintenance cost is also reduced. Cyclomatic complexity is one of the most valuable software development metrics. It plays a major role in the overall code complexity of a given piece of code. Also, and perhaps more importantly, it’s a metric intimately related to testing. But, its computation for a source file, a class or an application is difficult to interpret.

Training for a Team

A few developers may pick up on the concepts and begin performing them in their daily work, but more commonly the whole idea will fizzle like a wet firecracker. The importance of unit testing cannot be stressed enough, and the measurement of code coverage gives a real metric to the value of unit testing. Generally speaking, software engineers search for various ways to achieve code quality and maintainability. But unfortunately fail, due to the various variables that affect codebase quality.

what is cyclomatic complexity

Finally, questions Q.1.3 and Q.1.5 will be answered in interviews with the developers. Developers and testers can determine an independent path for executions. Complex codes are difficult to maintain, update and modify.

Actionable metrics are better metrics

It checks each linearly independent path through the program, which means number test cases, will be equivalent to the cyclomatic complexity of the program. Many IDEs, like Visual Studio, will have built in tools for calculating cyclomatic complexity and other code metrics for your entire codebase. In general, in order to fully test a module, all execution paths through the module should be exercised. This implies a module with a high complexity number requires more testing effort than a module with a lower value since the higher complexity number indicates more pathways through the code. This also implies that a module with higher complexity is more difficult for a programmer to understand since the programmer must understand the different pathways and the results of those pathways. When beginning to implement code coverage, a reasonable goal of 80% will pay back huge dividends and produce much happier QA resources.

You’re likelier to introduce defects to an area of the codebase that you change a lot than to one you rarely touch. In addition, the more complex a given piece of code is, the more likely you are to misunderstand it and introduce a defect to it. Understanding cyclomatic complexity doesn’t have to be complex. The Qt Company acquired froglogic GmbH in order to bring the functionality of their market-leading automated testing suite of tools to our comprehensive quality assurance offering.

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We should keep in mind that the more complex a given block of code is, the harder it is to read and maintain. More specifically, cyclomatic complexity doesn’t reveal the relative effort needed to understand or modify a piece of code. To lower the complexity of the code, we could extract statements into the separated methods. In Figure 2, we can see the comparison of the design flow graph with the code example. If we further break down the comparison values by assigning values to the variables that represent number of edges and number of nodes , we get 7 edges and 6 nodes. Let’s compare the code example with the design flow graph to analyze further and understand the formula.

what is cyclomatic complexity

You’ll learn how to reduce cyclomatic complexity and, more importantly, why you would want to do it. Static code analysis tools are typically used to calculate cyclomatic complexity and other code complexity metrics. Consider the control flow graph of your function, with an additional edge running from the exit to the entrance. The cyclomatic complexity is the maximum number of cuts we can make without separating the graph into two pieces. Having classes affected by anti-patterns cause time-consuming maintenance operations due to their lower comprehensibility and maintainability. Thus, detecting anti-patterns in the source code is an important activity in order to improve the quality of a software system during its evolution.

Uses of Cyclomatic Complexity:

Thus, a good graphic metaphor is required to highlight problems to the developer’s eye, allowing her to decide which of the code components suggested by the tool really represent design problems. These results suggest that the presence of anti-patterns in source code is sometimes tolerable, and part of developers’ design choices. Be careful using cyclomatic complexity as a go-to metric for the project’s health. Remember, the higher the complexity, the higher number of tests needed.

McCabe can be compared to the decision coverage for which it is important to track if a complete boolean expression was true and false. Flow Graph notation for a program defines several nodes connected through the edges. Below are Flow diagrams for statements like if-else, While, until and normal sequence of flow. This metric was developed by Thomas J. McCabe in 1976 and it is based on a control flow representation of the program. Control flow depicts a program as a graph which consists of Nodes and Edges.

Software Testing

In its turn, question Q.2.2 just requires project management activities to be answered. Last but not least, question Q.2.3 will be discussed between the project members from both teams . When and if we combine metrics with aggressive thresholds and firm coding standards, we eventually establish a culture that actively pays attention to code quality. Unfortunately, we can have terrible code with low complexity or relatively quality code with higher complexity.

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